Winners of the Ovide Arino prize


The prize awarding committee is happy to announce that Hari Kishore,  PhD student at the center for BioSystems Science and Engineering (BSSE) at Indian Institute of Science of Bangalore, has been designated as the laureate for the year 2023 for a work realized in collaboration with colleagues from the University of Milan.

In this work, he is investigating an aspect of the heterogeneity called Epithelial-Mesenchymal Plasticity, a developmental process with significant implications for cancer metastasis. Using network modelling and population data analysis, he is trying to answer the question of how deterministic and stochastic mechanisms of population heterogeneity interact with each other and possibly lead to improved survival. To this end, he uses mathematical and computational approaches to analyse the networks underlying cancer metastasis.

*Kishore Hari et al., Identifying inhibitors of epitelial-mesenchymal plasticity using a network topology-based approach. npj Systems Biology and Applications, 2020, 6(1):15.

2021: Israël Tankam Chedjou (PhD from University of Yaoundé in 2020). Online seminar:

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